TTA Fitness Director

David Cunningham

David Cunningham is one of our new personal fitness trainers for RH91. David comes to us with a passion for helping clients achieve personal goals. He currently holds certifications in TRX suspension training, is on the national council of personal trainers, certified in weight loss management, kettle bell and body weight workout course certified, Do-fit nutrition certification and is certified in mixed martial arts fitness.

David has been working with youth athletes as well as adults of all levels of fitness for the past six years. He has recently engaged in tennis specific tennis training to add to his already impressive resume. Currently he is working with Tucker Tennis players on and off the tennis court as part of their group fitness program.

David has been a manger of a large gym in the Tulsa area before joining RH91 where he was responsible for training clients as well as managing operations and staff. As a proud father of a little girl David has learned to sing songs, paint toe nails, and braid hair. He also loves the OKC Thunder, Dallas Cowboys, and Chicago Cubs.


Hourly rate: $65